Harebells on the Rocks


WELCOME to Captain Ben Kilpela's blog about Isle Royale National Park. Check out the SLIDE SHOWS linked in the right-hand column.
Also in the right column, beneath the blog archive list, is an overview of Isle Royale that I wrote for copperharbor.org. Copper Harbor, Michigan, is the village from which the Isle Royale Queen IV, the Kilpela family's passenger ferry, sails nearly every day in summer and a couple times a week in May and September.
The photo above is a shot of the Queen IV at Isle Royale. There are dozens of my photos on this blog. I hope you find them enjoyable and beneficial. I have begun putting some current photo work on our Facebook site at:
Captain Ben
2013 Schedule
Fares & Schedule
Call 906-289-4437 to make a reservation.
We have no online reservation system.
3 hours and 15 minutes each way.
Sailing Period Days
5/13 - 6/7 M & F only
- extra sailing date: Weds 6/5
6/10 - 6/29 M, T, Th, F, Sat
- (NO Sun, Weds)
7/1 - 7/30 M, T, Th, F, Sat, Sun
- (NO Weds)
7/31 - 9/1 EVERY DAY
9/2 - 9/30 M & F only
Each sailing date, the Queen IV makes one round trip.
The vessel departs Copper Harbor at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time
and departs Isle Royale (Rock Harbor entrance only) at 2:45 p.m. EDT
2013 Round-Trip Fares
PEAK SEASON - July 15 thru August 15
One-way fares half price
Adults (12 and over) $130.00
Children (11 and under) 65.00
Canoes, Kayaks 50.00
Double-Kayaks 80.00
Motors(under 5 hp) 10.00
Motors(over 5 hp) 30.00
2013 Round-Trip Fares
OFF-PEAK - May 13 - July 14 & Aug. 16 - Sept. 30
One-way fares half price
Adults (12 and over) $120.00
Children (11 and under) 60.00
Canoes, Kayaks, Double-Kayaks, motors: Same as above
DESPOSIT: Full fare is required to make all reservations.
In addition to ferry charges, the National Park Service levies a User Fee for Isle Royale: $4.00 per DAY (not per night) per ADULT (12 years old and up). The fee is paid on the ferry during the crossing. NO credit cards are accepted for fee. ONLY cash, check, or traveler's check are accepted. NO NPS nationwide cards, such as the “Golden Age Passport,” cover the fee. Other rules apply. Consult the NPS's web site for information: Isle Royale National Park Web Site
Our parking lot is unsecured, but very safe. Charges:
Cars, SUVs, Vans, Pick-Ups: $5 per night ($20 maximum)
RVs and Motor Homes over 24’ long $10 per night ($40 maximum)
Advanced notice on RVs required.
Cars, etc. with trailers $7 per night ($28 maximum)
Parking begins each morning the Queen IV sails at 7:00 am. Parking attendants will show you where to park your car. You may drive onto our dock to unload gear before parking. Please do not park in our lot before being shown where to park. Call or email us for complete information on parking fees and procedures. We do not allow camping or overnight parking (when you are not on the island) in our lot.
There is no refund if you cancel your reservation less than three (3) days (exactly 72 hours) before departure time. Cancelations received with more than 3 days (72 hours) notice will be sent an 85% refund. If canceling a group of 10 people or more, two-week’s notice is required for an 85% refund.
Taxi companies run from both Houghton and Calumet to Copper Harbor. Limo service to and from the airport (CMX) near Calumet is available from www.coppercountrylimo.com.
Three Queens Published
The book is much more than a simple laying out of facts. I wrote it as a story, a delightful tale of perseverance and success, with lots of touches of both comedy and sentiment. At the back, I have included reflections from both of my parents, Don and Betty, and even all five of my siblings -- Captain Don, Sue, Jo, Lisa, and Captain John -- on 1971 and what owning the ferry service has meant to each of them. Each reflection is a treat in itself, seven fitting capstones to the engaging tale of our family's history in the Copper Country and on Lake Superior. (Cost: $11.95. $15 by phone order, with shipping and tax included. Call 906-289-4437 to order by phone.) The photo is of the Queen II in 1971, when she was painted yellow.
Here are shots of the Queen III and Queen IV:

A September Visit to Isle Royale
A Tree Finds a Home

Dock in Tobin Harbor

Birches and Mists

Loons at Work

Bat Island and Fog

A Local Moose Family

Fish Frying In the Pan

A Hunt for Moose

Orchid In a Meadow

Aspens in Bloom